Lava Space - William Aliotti

YouTube video

William Aliotti has spent a long time in Canary Islands on the past winters. This volcanic slabs got his attention on his first trip and since then, when the winter swells hit, William doens’t miss the opportunity of getting heavy barrels and perfect air sections.

His latest edit Lava Space, is the compilation from last winter seasson. As Stab’s Jack Mutschler has said, this video is pure surf porn.

Products approved by William:

Mid Blue


Legi Alonso 


Leash 6" 7mm Burgundy


2 Piece Burgundy


Wisteria with Issam Auptel

Originally from the French Caribbean, Issam Auptel is a 20-year-young regular footer living in Hossegor, South-West France. A good friend of Erwin Bliss and Mr. Eithan Osborne and attested bon-vivant, it didn’t take long for his enthusiasm to gain our hearts.

When you’ve grown up surfing head-high turquoise water wedges in boardies your whole life, the move to mainland Europe can be a daunting feat—although Issam has crossed that bridge just fine. After months taking his fair share of floggings, Issam now handles both the unfriendly drops and crowd of heavy Gravière days like a total lord. Still taking routine beatings, but also finding diamonds in the rough, he’s earned himself another type of diamond in the form of a Volcom sponsorship.

Despite the lad’s rugged nature, there’s only a certain amount of time any islander can spend in Euro winter. With Covid restrictions limiting the fun potential a step further, Issam and our own Yentl Touboul decided it was time to pull the plug and regroup to their tropical bosom. They came back with exposed negatives, full memory cards, and after a few weeks in the edit bay, a new short film named Wisteria started to take form.

Products approved by Issam:

3 Piece Traction


Arcco Large Evo


Pro-Tech 6" 7mm Leash


Waterproof Bag


What does Manuel Lezcano ride?

YouTube video

Unless you live on Mars, you did probably watch the last surf video featuring Manuel Lezcano riding some of the best and heaviest barrels at El Quemao. If not, you should really click the play button above.


Manuel always gets perfect lines combining deep barrels with power surfing. And this is an honor for us that he has chosen Deflow for his surf fins and accessories.


Get a sneak peak at Manuel’s favorites below and make sure you are also equipped with the best surf gear for you next surf trip or for the coming winter season.

A.Toyon Thruster Fins


Supra Quattro Quad Fins


Accro Large Thruster Fins


6"7 Pro Tech Leash


3 Piece Burgundy Pad


Sea Green Pad


7"7mm Burgundy Leash


Iñigo Agote Twin Fins


Manuel Lezcano Interview Video EN

. Hello Manu! First of all… We are still amazed with the video!
When we saw those crazy barrels we couldn’t help but think that the Canary Islands is the best place in the world! Hahaha, do you agree? What does it mean for you to have grown up -as a person and as a surfer- in Lanzarote?

Thank you very much, it’s a pleasure to be able to share a part of my winter with you.
The Canary Islands is an incredible place, there is no doubt about that, everyone enjoys it in their own way. We are islanders, and thanks to that, there are many of us who can not live with-out the sea and all the good things it brings us in our daily lives. And as a place to grow and live, it lacks nothing, I think I have been privileged to have grown up in this environment.

. Another thing that amazes us is the difficulty that entails El Quemao and Santa, both at the height of the best waves of the North Shore. How does it feel to have seen them break since you were a kid and now be able to surf them like no one else? What do you experience when you enter these spots on such epic days?

When I was a kid I loved going to see it…I dreamed of being there someday, now I just try to learn more and more about them and how to get better every session. Luckily we have great venues ,that always push us to give it our all every day. Epic days are that…. epic days that you don’t forget.

. We imagine that your world stops when there are forecasts and finally the sea dawns as you had dreamed. Do you still feel the same nerves and the same magic after years of tubes and more tubes? How do you live the days like that?

I think that every year I’m worse and I get up earlier to prepare everything, with more nerves. Once I see the sea and that everything is in order … I forget everything and I only think about surfing the best, and enjoy the tubazos of my friends.

. About the material, a crucial aspect to optimize performance in such demanding conditions, what are the fins that give you more confidence in such heavy waves?

This winter I used Arcco large for all my surfs. For my quad, the Supra Quattro, with them I came out of one of the deepest tubes I remember in my everyday wave … so they became my fins for tube days and they have not failed me.

. On the other hand, when things get more playful and you opt for maneuvering and aerial surfing, what are your favorite Deflow models?

I use the Supra Large model a lot on my shortboards, I love the drive they have and how they respond both in bad wind and on smoother days…

. Since every surfer is different and we all have our own preferences …. Are you one of those who have already assigned certain fins to each board or do you change depending on the day and you feel like trying new things? Tell us about that ‘freak’ facet that every good surfer has in his veins! Hahahaha.

The truth is that I play with two models when it comes to thruster…Arcco and Supra Large.
I have my twins with the model of Iñigo Agote…. There are days that I consider only use twins for what I enjoy with them … both in tubes and maneuvers. But for now, I’m happy to alternate and I’ll continue to do so for a while at least hehe.

. If you had to give some golden tips in terms of equipment, surfing requirements, and how to be in the water, what would you say to all those who are planning to spend a winter season in the islands?

Trick question? hehe, I think that as in most places with quality waves, the most important thing is to know how to be in the water…and above all, when to be in the water. Every island is different…but most of the Canary peaks are already quite crowded with just the locals and it is difficult to coexist in a small space. then there are times and waves that can “hold” enough people and you see how everyone catches their wave. the important thing is to know how to recognize what they are and enjoy them with respect.

. Returning to the essence 100% CORE of your video …. No intros, no lifestyle, no bullshit, just tubes and more tubes from the first second! Since you transmit that pure essence of surfing, what does it mean for you to be part of the Deflow team, a brand that we try to keep true to that spirit?
I’m sure there will come quieter things haha, but yes…the truth is that we don’t hold back when it comes to putting one tube after another.

For me it’s incredible to be able to transmit my feedback on the material I use. I already did it with the boards, and now, with the fins, grips etc. so I feel happy to belong to the Deflow family and to be able to grow and improve with you.

. Precisely values like surfing and family are the ones that dictate your life. We would like you to talk about the things that are essential to you so that people can get to know a little more about the other Manu that doesn’t appear in the videos. What things and ideals define your personality and your day to day life?

As it may seem to many, the value of family is multiplied by 1000 when you are a father. My world revolves around my family and trying to enjoy every day with them. It is also incredible to transmit my love for the sea and the waves to my son, as my father did with me … .

. Nothing else Manu. Thank you for trusting us and our products and, above all, for sharing with us such unrepeatable moments in and out of the water.

Thanks to you guys, I hope to see you soon!

Manuel Lezcano Interview Video ES

. ¡Ese Manu! Antes de nada… ¡Pedazo de vídeo, eh!
Cuando hemos visto esos olones no hemos podido evitar pensar que Canarias es el mejor lugar del mundo. Jajaja. ¿Estás de acuerdo? ¿Qué supone para ti haber crecido –como persona y como surfista- en Lanzarote?

Muchas Gracias ¡ un placer poder compartir una parte de mi invierno con ustedes.
Canarias es un lugar increíble, de eso no hay duda, cada uno lo disfruta a su manera. Somos isleños ,y gracias a eso ,somos muchos los que no podemos vivir sin el mar y sin todas las cosas buenas que nos aporta en nuestro día a día . Y como lugar para crecer y vivir no le falta de nada, pienso que he sido un privilegiado por haber crecido en este entorno.

. Otra cosa que nos ha flipao es la dificultad que entrañan El Quemao y la Santa, ambas a la altura de las mejores olas de la North Shore.
¿Qué sientes al haberlas visto romper desde niño y ahora ser capaz de surfearlas como nadie? ¿Qué experimentas cuando entras en esos spots en días tan épicos?

De niño me encantaba ir a verlo…soñaba con estar ahí algún día .Ahora sólo trato de aprender cada vez un poco más sobre ellas y sobre cómo superarme cada sesión. Por suerte contamos con locales de lujo ,que siempre nos empujamos a darlo todo cada día.
Los días épicos son eso….días épicos que no se olvidan.

. Imaginamos que tu mundo se detiene cuando hay previs y por fin amanece el mar como habías soñado. ¿Sigues notando los mismos nervios y la misma magia tras años de tubos y más tubos? ¿Cómo vives los días así?

Creo que cada año lo llevo peor y me levanto a preparar todo antes ,con más nervios . una vez veo el mar y que todo está en orden…se me olvida todo y ya sólo pienso en surfear la mejor, y en disfrutar de los tubazos de mis amigos.

. Acerca del material, un aspecto crucial para poder optimizar el rendimiento en unas condiciones tan exigentes, ¿cuáles son las quillas que te proporcionan una mayor confianza en olas tan heavys?

Este invierno usé en todos mis baños las Arcco large. Para mis quad ,las Supra Quattro, con ellas salí de uno de los tubos más profundos que recuerdo en mi ola de todos los días …así que pasaron a ser mis quillas para los días de tubos y no me han fallado.

. Por otra parte, cuando la cosa se pone más juguetona y optas por un surf de maniobras y aéreos, ¿cuáles son tus modelos de Deflow favoritos?

Uso mucho en mis tablas cortas el modelo de Supra Large. Me encanta el drive que tienen y como responden tanto con viento malo como con días más lisos.

. Dado que cada surfista es un mundo y todos tenemos nuestras manías…. ¿Eres de los que ya tiene asignadas unas quillas determinadas a cada tabla o vas cambiando según tengas el día y te apetezca probar nuevas cosas? ¡Cuéntanos acerca de esa faceta ‘freak’ que todo buen surfista lleva en las venas! Jajajaja.

La verdad que juego con dos modelos cuando se trata de thruster…Arcco y Supra Large.
tengo mis twins con el modelo de Iñigo Agote ….hay días que me planteo sólo usar twins por lo que disfruto con ellos…tanto en tubos como en maniobras. Pero por ahora estoy encantado alternando y así seguiré por un tiempo al menos jeje

. Si tuvieras que dar unos consejos de oro en cuanto a equipamiento, exigencia de surf y saber estar en el agua, ¿qué les dirías a todos aquellos que estén planeando en ir a pasar una temporada de invierno a las islas?

Pregunta con trampa ¿?¿? jeje
Yo creo que como en la mayoría de lugares con olas de calidad,lo más importante es saber estar en el agua…y sobre todo ,cuando estar en el agua. Cada isla es diferente…pero la mayoría de los picos canarios están ya bastante llenos sólo con los propios locales y se hace difícil la convivencia en un espacio pequeño. Luego hay momentos y olas que pueden “aguantar” bastante gente y ves como todo el mundo pilla su olita. lo importante es saber reconocer cuáles son y disfrutar de ellas con respeto.

. Retomando la esencia 100% CORE de tu vídeo… Ni intros, ni lifestyle, ni hostias. ¡Tubos y más tubos desde el primer segundo! Dado que transmites esa esencia pura del surf, ¿qué supone para ti formar parte del equipo de Deflow, una marca que tratamos de mantener fiel a dicho espíritu?

Vendrán cosas más tranquilas jaja, pero sí…la verdad que no nos cortamos a la hora de meter un tubo detrás de otro. 
Para mí es increíble poder transmitir mi fedback sobre el material que uso. Ya lo hacía con las tablas, y ahora, con las quillas, grips etc así que me siento feliz de poder pertenecer a la familia Deflow y poder crecer y mejorar con ustedes.

. Precisamente valores como el surf o la familia son los que dictan tu vida. Nos gustaría que hablases de las cosas que te resultan esenciales para que la gente pueda conocer un poco más a ese otro Manu que no sale en los vídeos. ¿Qué cosas e ideales definen tu personalidad y tu día a día?

Como a muchos les puede parecer ,el valor de la familia se multiplica por 1000 cuando eres padre. Mi mundo gira en torno a la familia y en tratar de disfrutar cada día con ellos .También es increíble el transmitir mi amor por el mar y las olas a mi hijo ,cómo hizo mi padre conmigo.

. Nada más Manu. Gracias por confiar en nosotros y en nuestros productos y, sobre todo, por compartir con nosotros unos momentos tan irrepetibles dentro y fuera del agua.☺

Gracias a ustedes espero verles pronto. Un saludo.

Los Alisios.

Los Vientos Alisios –  The Trade winds

Seven days on the rock with Erwin Bliss and Hector Menendez.

The trade winds blew us into Fuerteventura from Dakar, via a stopover in Barcelona. PCR tests and airport hotels. Something about a journey. Enter the Canaries; African in location and European in culture. Where Spain ends and the Sahara begins, separated by a mere 80 miles of sea. The rocks, the wind, the desert and the dust. And the sea, always the sea. We would hear rumours of better winds in Lanzarote and go there.  We would later the find out the wind would be the same. Always north. Always on, or cross shore. South winds are only something that happens in memory and never in real life. We would get stopped by Guardia Civil and Erwin would have his wrist slapped. Hector would guide us on our journey around the islands and surfed oversized twin fins with incredible flair. We explored every possible nook around the parameters of the rock we called home for seven days, letting the Alisios guide us. Trying to escape el viento but in the end, embracing it.

Surf, Beer and Fiesta... with Iker Treviño

YouTube video

Our friend and ambassador Iker Treviño was selected for the Mexi log fest. He grabbed his log and headed down to Punta de Mita for one of the coolest event of Longboarding.

Surf, Beer and Fiesta… MEXICO
A short clip of a two weeks trip to Punta de Mita, Mexico for the Mexilogfest.
Surf Clips by Lost not found Magazine (

Issam Auptel - Welcome to Deflow family

YouTube video

With only 19 years of age (yep he was born in 2001), the young talent from Guadalupe Islands moved to Hossegor two years ago. From pumping La Graviere to the worst onshore sessions, you will find him around the line up doing his thing.


This selfless devotion to surfing and finding his own style represents our way of being.


Welcome on board Issam


Wondering which is his favourite Deflow equipment?

3 Piece Traction - Burgundy


Supra Large - Full Tab


6ft 7mm Leash - Burgundy


2 Piece Traction


Pavones avec William Aliotti

YouTube video

Willi Aliotti, a twin fin and the long, drawn walls of Costa Rica. Vid by Manuel Claudeville Morell.

laura coviella deflow surf jose postigo

Welcome to Deflow Family - Laura Coviella

YouTube video

We are pleased to introduce Laura Coviella to the Deflow family.

If we had to choose one person who has stood out for her effort and growth in big wave surfing in the last year, it would be Laura Coviella.

Born in the Canary Islands, Laura discovered surfing at the age of 11. In addition to competing at the European level, Laura always stood out in powerful waves. Her perseverance and motivation have proven to be limitless, and we can’t wait to see what next winter has in store for her.



Video by Twin Films (@twinfilms_)
Additional footage: Martxel Txintxurreta
Song: Renge – Hola Hola
Special thanks to Javi and Jose Postigo, and Lorenzo “Seis” Suárez.
Supported by

laura coviella deflow surf jose postigo
laura coviella deflow surf jose postigo